What to do about distribution? There have been many articles written recently talking about the demise of the distribution system as we have known it. Having brought a film into the world, I understand the doom and gloom. Distribution is hard, plain and simple. From my experience, the distribution companies that have survived the recent downturn are only interested in your film if they have a star- which, as a side note, always makes me laugh because if I had a star, why would I be going to some of these smaller companies? Do you think I’m sitting on an indie film with George Clooney that no one knows about? The few offers we’ve received for The Full Picture are so egregious, they’re insulting. And worst of all, the catalogues they represent are of films I have never heard of and frankly, have no interest in seeing. So where do I turn? The options are clear. Either give away the film to one of these companies for essentially nothing and allow the film to sink into the miasma of unmentionable media, or retain the rights and…dare I day it…self distribute.
Self distribution appears to be the only option for a filmmaker these days if they actually want to get their film get seen. In talking to Peter Broderick and Richard Abramowitz, both leaders in developing the most recent self distribution paradigm, the advice was simple and clear. Take control. So, I must regroup, refocus, and trudge forward as I simply refuse to go gentle into that good night.