Friday, September 17, 2010

Save on Netflix!

You can now save your copy of The Full Picture on Netflix and find out why we're a "proven festival crowd pleaser." (Variety)

Friday, June 25, 2010

RAFAEL baby!

What a terrific night at the Rafael! Our audience really showed up big. We had originally been scheduled for the smaller 129 seat theater but after strong pre-sales, they had to move us to the main theater to handle the demand.
That's called a "sell out"! It was a great crowd that really responded well to the comedy- something I've realized is integral to the film's success. And the Q&A was really in-depth and with some well thought out questions. A real pleasure of a night! Thanks to all involved.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

MOVIE NIGHT...C'mon, you deserve it!

6 days to go before our theatrical opening! It's time to call your friends and organize a fun movie night! Here are a few suggestions for a fun filled evening down in the Mission and at the historical, and recently restored, Roxie Cinema.

Trappest Beer at delicious burger at Monk's Kettle

Swanky dinner and coffee rubbed pork loin at Range

World Famous Burrito at El Farolito

Equally famous healthier Burrito at Papalote. (make sure to get extra salsa)

Cocktail at Dalva

A sidewalk Kabab at Truly Mediterranean.

Many post show beers at Kilowatt

...or catch a Saturday/Sunday matinee (3:00pm & 5:00pm) after a day at Dolores Park with an Ice Cream at BiRite Creamery!

Hope these tips are helpful and feel free to make suggestions!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010


Roxie Cinema (San Francisco), June 11th-17th. (Filmmaker and cast will be in attendance for Q&A on Friday and Saturday nights -7:00pm & 9:00pm shows). Purchase tickets here.

Rafael Theater (San Rafael) 7:00pm on June 24th. (Filmmaker, Jon Bowden and actor Bettina Devin will be in attendance.) Purchase tickets here.

Rialto Cinemas Elmwood (Berkeley) dates, TBD.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mo' Sceening Dates in JUNE!!!

Here's the latest. We've been added to the Elmwood's lineup (a Rialto theater in Berkeley) for a couple nights (TBA) and also a night at The Rafael in San Rafael on June 24th. All great things! This was the original vision for our Bay Area release with the hope that the Chronicle, Examiner, Sf Weekly, etc. will cover us now that we have a greater presence. If we get reviewed well and a good turnout, we can possibly carry this momentum...dare I say it... into other cities. But one step at a time. Next, fix the art on the poster and postcards, fix the music on the trailer, update the website, organize out press screening, meet with the....

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Theatrical Release!

It’s official! The Full Picture will be playing The Roxie June 11th-18th! I am incredibly excited for the actors and crew who worked on The Full Picture to see it at such a historic theater, and in the city where it was made. However, though the door of opportunity has been unlocked, it is up to us to push it wide open. If you are not a “fan” of The Full Picture’s facebook page yet, please sign-up as I will be documenting our efforts over the next few months. You never know, you might learn something. I guarantee I will.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Distribution Dilemma

What to do about distribution? There have been many articles written recently talking about the demise of the distribution system as we have known it. Having brought a film into the world, I understand the doom and gloom. Distribution is hard, plain and simple. From my experience, the distribution companies that have survived the recent downturn are only interested in your film if they have a star- which, as a side note, always makes me laugh because if I had a star, why would I be going to some of these smaller companies? Do you think I’m sitting on an indie film with George Clooney that no one knows about? The few offers we’ve received for The Full Picture are so egregious, they’re insulting. And worst of all, the catalogues they represent are of films I have never heard of and frankly, have no interest in seeing. So where do I turn? The options are clear. Either give away the film to one of these companies for essentially nothing and allow the film to sink into the miasma of unmentionable media, or retain the rights and…dare I day it…self distribute.

Self distribution appears to be the only option for a filmmaker these days if they actually want to get their film get seen. In talking to Peter Broderick and Richard Abramowitz, both leaders in developing the most recent self distribution paradigm, the advice was simple and clear. Take control. So, I must regroup, refocus, and trudge forward as I simply refuse to go gentle into that good night.