I'm here at AFM (American Film Market) and I have to say that this has been an eye opener. This whole market appears to be about international distribution of, more or less, straight to video movies. That's not a bad thing necessarily, and there is a lot to learn from this. It seems that most of these films could care less about the festival circuit. As a matter of fact, during the orientation for first timers to AFM, the organizer of the whole market said so much. His recommendation was to setup distributor screenings in New York and LA and only then, if you fail to get the offer you want, go the festival route. That's very easy to say of course, but for my film that has no name talent, I seriously wonder how many distributors would come without any festival accolades. Anyway, I've had 10 meeting so far and another 5 tomorrow. We'll see where it all leads.

In other news, Cuba Gooding has proven that he will take any role as demonstrated by this poster. The tagline is "Caught in the middle with no bullets." Sounds like the shortest gun fight in the history of cinema.