I just came back on Sunday night from Durango Independent Film Festival and after two nights of comatose sleep, I finally feel capable of forming a coherent sentence. So here’s how it went. I was initially concerned about our Friday screening at 3:15pm but what I didn’t realize is that the whole town supports this “little” festival and everyone makes sacrifices to go to the screenings. So for our Friday screening, we had a very respectable crowd and more importantly, the people that came responded as we had hoped, which was really important being that Mike and Tony from Rivercoast Films Distibution were there. I had met them in the filmmaker lounge on Thursday night and after a couple drinks and a few laughs, (very good guys BTW) convinced them to come to our screening. To make a long story short, they loved it, and though that is just a start, it’s the right start to potentially work together.
As for the rest of the festival, well, it was a blur. We partied some on Friday, then woke at 5:45am on Saturday to drive an hour away to ski at Silverton Mountain. Our guide, “Ron-bow” ran us ragged, hiking and skiing till the last chair. Then we raced back, had a quick soak in the hot tub, and got dressed for the 9:15pm showing of THE FULL PICTURE. Once again, we had a good crowd and after a lengthy Q & A, joined the other filmmakers at the closing night party. By this time, Joe, Keith and I were spent and even though we managed to choke down a couple drinks (Tom Collins were the special on the night…too sweet to enjoy but free so we tolerated them), we couldn’t physically make it to the late night parties.
So in short, Durango…very cool and a great festival experience. If you are a skier and film lover, I highly recommend hitting this little gem but bring No Doz and an oxygen mask, because sleeping four hours a night and skiing at 13,000 feet can kick your ass.
Onwards to Sonoma International Film Festival (April 1st-5th) where one of my lead actors, Joshua Hutchinson (he was Joshua Farrell then), grew up. For schedule information,
click here.